Al the code in the while loop (Green) will run until and if you haven't used the codebug for 3 minutes it will go to sleep to save power. RULES : We can make as many rules as we want for this we need to make a "Random " variable as seen in the first part of the code in red and purple. --> set random to > random integer 0 to 2 <<-- In this case I have use the values 0 , 1 and 2 . for this to be random we need to tell the code that if our variable "random" is equal to either 0 , 1 or 2 to do something . In our case it will display the words "maybe" when random value is equal to 0 . it will display "yes" when random variable is equal to 1 it will display "NO" when random variable is equal to 2 ----------------------------------- to understand the leds code search for TMR - Leds